Cindy Zampa

Portal #32 – Help

My entire career has been spent in the helping professions. From the first job I had in high school as a veterinarian’s assistant, through decades as a teacher and a stay-at-home mom, to the role I retired from as a counsellor, the ability to help others has been a central theme. One truth I’ve discovered is that, for some, asking for help can be very difficult. I’ve also come to understand that it can be just as hard to accept help, when it is offered.

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Portal #31 – Book of Magic

I love books, and the magic they hold between their pages. Books are portals, transporting us to other worlds, dimensions, universes. One of my most cherished memories is when my children were young, and we’d read the Harry Potter series out loud to each other. It started out as bed-time reading, but as we got deeper into the story, it no longer mattered what time of day it was -if they asked for it, we’d all sit down together and read the next chapter, and the next….

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Portal #30 – Blood Moon

Special things are happening in the celestial realm this summer, with up to six planets in retrograde motion at once. This week presented the world with the rare opportunity to witness both a Blood Moon and a lunar eclipse on July 27, the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. Although the eclipse was not visible to North Americans, the sight of the blood moon, with brilliant Mars shining nearby, had its own magical effect on me.

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Portal #29 – Pordenone Portal

Every painting tells a story, as do other forms of visual arts, like sculptures and statues.

Whenever a lion graces the entrance to a building or district, it most certainly symbolizes something – but what? What is the context, the story, behind how it came to be there? What message is it supposed to be delivering to those who see it? Who placed it there, and what were their intentions when they chose the “king of the jungle” as the statuary for all to witness as they transition between spaces?

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Portal #28 – Similkameen

The Similkameen Valley is an arid and hot place, but the Similkameen River is a portal which brings life to the lands of this beautiful region in British Columbia. This area is known more for its plentiful orchards and roadside fruit stands than its vineyards, but that seems to be changing. In fact, enRoute magazine calls it one of the “world’s five best wine regions you’ve never heard of.”

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Portal #26 – Cheers!

I can hardly believe it, but week 26 has arrived – the half-way point! This is the milestone at which an optimist eagerly anticipates all that the next 6 months has in store, whereas a pessimist focusses on the fact that the year is half over. I might have a bit of both in me, as I see the half way mark as a good opportunity to reflect on what I’ve accomplished, while also look forward to what lies ahead.

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