Legacy #8 – Family Love

LEGACY 8 – Legacy of Family Love

It can be difficult, these days, to find opportunities to engage in quality family time. There are many potential obstacles, starting with finding things to do together that everyone enjoys. Next, carving out time between work, school and extra-curricular activities can require a master’s degree in logistics and planning. Then, there’s the lack of resources such as money, energy, equipment or tools that might be required to have fun safely. When electronic distractions are added to the mix, it can seem downright impossible to pull everyone together for meaningful family interactions.

When our children were young, it took conscious planning and, at times, a Herculean effort, to incorporate shared time into our daily activities, but it was definitely worth it. Fortunately, both children loved reading, so the library became a favourite for all of us. Until the kids joined the workforce, one of the expectations in our family was that we’d all eat a meal together. Friday was usually (actually, it still is) ‘pizza night’ in our home, a family favourite, especially when it’s home-made and everyone gets to create their own pizza using their favourite toppings. ‘Game nights’ are always fun too, whether it’s cards, a board game, or kicking the soccer ball around in the park.

Every family has their own, unique set of circumstances and challenges, but spending time together on a consistent basis is important. It can be something as simple as asking what each person’s favourite part of the day was, or what they are grateful for on a daily basis. Children benefit from the chance to model their parents’ behaviour, learn problem-solving skills, as well as the opportunity to express their feelings and ideas. Stronger bonds can be developed when parents get to witness and learn about each child’s strengths and struggles. And, of course, all of us benefit when we feel heard, seen and loved!

“Love is the human family’s most precious legacy.
Its richest bequest. Its golden inheritance.”

**Michael Jackson**

**NOTE about the quote used above, by Michael Jackson**

This blog was published prior to the release of the documentary, ‘Leaving Neverland’. While I did consider replacing it with another quote, I chose to leave it in for the following reasons:

1. This blog is NOT about Michael Jackson’s legacy. There’s no doubt that MJ left a legacy, however, this blog is about family love.
2. I am not in a position to judge MJ’s guilt or innocence.
3. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I questioned whether I should leave MJ’s quote in this post or not. Ultimately, I asked myself if the message is true, regardless of the messenger. For me, the words speak truth and adds to the message I am trying to convey in this blog.

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